IMPORTANT: Please ensure you read the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability at the end of this file. DICOM_Compare 1.8 for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP ====================================== Filename: (x.x=version num. yy=rev. num.) Target: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP Short: DICOM_Comapre; DICOM Images difference analyer To Install: Uncompress the file to a temporary directory and run setup.exe E-Mail: Web: ==================================================== Using DICOM_Compare from the command line If you want to use DICOM_Compare in a batch or call it from another program, here's the syntax: DICOM_Compare [-v] [-t *] file_1 file_2 --- Trace & debugging information --- [-t *] Set trace level (0 to 5) [-v] give back the version number --- input/output files --- file_1 file_2 Note: if the an argument contains spaces, it must be protected by quotes (ex: DICOM_Compare "c:\dir with spaces\file name with spaces") Note: In batch mode, the program will not open a window. It will write the difference between file_1 and file_2 in the audit file ==================================================== Return Codes The program will return the number of differences encountered ==================================================== Note: DICOM_Compare can be put in trace mode from the keyboard with the CTRL-0 to CTRL-5 keys. ==================================================== Some configuration of the program is also possible with the DICOMatic.ini file. The recognized arguments are: ; ====================================================== ; General configuration Parameters ; ====================================================== ; --- trace level --- ; trace = val (default = 0) (0<=val<=5) trace = 0 ; --- scratch directory for temp and trace files --- ; scratch = dir_name (default = c:\temp\) scratch = c:\temp\ ; ====================================================== ; DICOM configuration Parameters ; ====================================================== ; --- DICOM table directory --- ; tables = dir_name (default = "DICOM Tables") ; --- Skip tags --- ; Some tags are expected to be different, we do not want to get ; a "difference" count from these, so we skip them in the analysis ; skip = (group,element) (you can use "?" as a "wild card character") skip = (????,0000) skip = (0002,0013) skip = (0008,0012) skip = (0008,0013) skip = (0008,2111) ==================================================== DICOM_Compare revision history ====================================== ====== DICOM_Compare 1.8 rev 3 (09Jul07) ====== - fixe a bug that cause a crash if you drop a new file on the program after it was oppened. Now you drag&drop as many files as you want. The last 2 files are compared together. ====== DICOM_Compare 1.8 rev 2 (20Mar07) ====== - More bug fixes, add icons & text info ====== DICOM_Compare 1.8 rev 1 (14Fev07) ====== - Few bug fixes ====== DICOM_Compare 1.8 rev 0 (26jun06) ====== - First version available outside TomoVision ==================================================== Disclaimer of Warranty: DICOM_Compare is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Virtual Magic Inc. Makes no representation or warranty with respect to the adequacy of the software for any particular purpose or with respect to its adequacy to produce any particular results. In no events shall Virtual Magic Inc., its employees or its suppliers be liable for special, direct, indirect or consequential damages, losses, costs, changes, claims, demands, or claim for lost profits, fees, or expenses of any nature.